Updates from the Grand Tetons and Aurora in Yellowstone ๐Ÿ”๏ธโ˜€๏ธ

Hello Reader,

We hope your summer is off to a spectacular start! Just a day after sending our last newsletter, we embarked on an impromptu adventure to Yellowstone National Park. Our mission? To capture the biggest solar storm of our lifetime - the breathtaking Aurora Borealis that likely flooded your social media feeds in May. This spontaneous journey led to some of the most incredible images we've ever created. Keep reading for the full story and to see a few of the images!

June took us to the majestic Grand Teton National Park, where Jennifer orchestrated the Out of Grand Teton conference for Out of Chicago, and David shared his expertise as an instructor. It was a joy to reconnect with familiar faces and forge new friendships. Post-conference, we indulged in some well-deserved relaxation and paddleboarding, recharging after the intense but rewarding conference days.

This week, we're embarking on an adventure to Crested Butte, Colorado, where we'll be leading our highly-anticipated wildflower workshop. We're eager to immerse ourselves in the breathtaking beauty of one of our favorite locations and embark on invigorating hikes. If you're interested in joining us, read on!

David and Jennifer


Join us in Crested Butte - Next Week!

An unexpected cancellation has opened up a spot in our coveted Crested Butte, Colorado workshop. This workshop has been fully booked for nearly a year, this is a rare chance to participate!

We understand it's extremely short notice, and you may not be able to join. But here's some exciting news: we have one spot available for our 2025 workshop! Don't miss out on this opportunity.

2025 Workshop Opportunities

We're thrilled by the overwhelming response to our recently announced 2025 workshops, many of which sold out quickly. If you've been considering joining us, now might be your last chance!

So Said the River

Colleen Miniuk's newly released book, "So Said the River," offers a compelling narrative of adventure and self-discovery, navigating life's literal and metaphorical storms. This inspiring read is a must for photography and nature enthusiasts alike.

Items of Interest

We're constantly seeking fresh and exciting content to share. Here are this month's carefully curated selections:


โ€‹Shutter Speeds and Moodโ€‹

Michael Frye explains how shutter speed affects the mood and message of a photograph. By adjusting shutter speed, photographers can convey motion, softness, or drama in their images. Understanding the story you want to tell is key to choosing the right shutter speed.

โ€‹Ron: Death Valley Winter - The Diverse Desertโ€‹

Ron and Sarah spent time in Death Valley during winter, capturing diverse landscapes in photos. They encountered changing weather conditions, from ephemeral lakes to wildflowers, and plan to share 45 photos in three blog posts. The first post features a variety of scenes highlighting the park's uniqueness.


โ€‹Artists & Explorersโ€‹

David duChemin discusses the similarities between exploration and art-making as postures of the human spirit towards the unknown. It highlights the courage and curiosity shared by explorers and artists in facing uncertainties and pushing boundaries to discover new places within themselves. The author emphasizes the importance of embracing the unknown and engaging in a daring adventure to fully explore and be alive.

Aurora Borealis in Yellowstone

Just minutes after sending our last newsletter, an alert about massive X-flares coming off the sun set us on an unexpected journey. Not one, but several flares were predicted to combine into a massive solar storm. We quickly packed up in Denver and headed north the next morning, with three potential destinations in mind: North Dakota, Devils Tower, or our beloved Yellowstone National Park.

Despite a cloudy forecast, we took a chance on Yellowstone - and what a rewarding risk it was! After an 11-hour drive and meeting up with our friend Bobby Burton, we were treated to a celestial spectacle beyond our wildest dreams. The evening began with the sky cloaked in a mesmerizing green and purple glow. But the real show started a few hours later when the Aurora erupted into a breathtaking dance of lights, flashing and pulsing overhead.

Emboldened by the incredible display, we decided to take another risk: a mile-long hike to Grand Fountain Geyser in the middle of the night, in grizzly country no less! The Aurora was so bright it illuminated our path, though we kept our headlamps on to spot any reflective eyes. Our goal? To capture the Aurora reflecting in the terraces of Great Fountain Geyser.

We arrived just in time for an incredible display of colors, followed by the eruption of White Dome Geyser - a truly magical moment.

Our adventure wasn't without its heart-pounding moments. On our hike back, Jennifer spotted a pair of eyes coming towards us on the road. For a tense moment, we thought we might be face-to-face with a grizzly. Thankfully, it turned out to be bison, though navigating past them with a stream on one side and thermal features on the other was still a bit dicey!

The Aurora continued its celestial dance until 4 am, and we captured its beauty from various locations throughout the night.

For the full story and many more stunning images, be sure to subscribe to my personal newsletter to be notified of a new ebook I will be releasing soon. Look for the subscribe form at the bottom of the page.

Adventures in Grand Teton

Our recent trip to the Tetons was nothing short of exhilarating! We arrived a few days before the Out of Grand Tetons conference to scorching heat and mosquito swarms. Within days, we were greeted by snow flurries and temperatures plummeting to the 20s - classic mountain weather unpredictability!

Jennifer's meticulous planning and execution of the conference was nothing short of phenomenal. Her attention to detail over the past months ensured a seamlessly smooth experience, leaving both participants and instructors thoroughly impressed. Kudos to Jennifer!

As an instructor for the conference, I (David) had the pleasure of collaborating with the wonderful Mark Denney. His down-to-earth nature made for an enjoyable partnership. We faced a gamut of challenging weather conditions - from complete cloud cover and howling winds to frigid mornings and sweltering, clear-sky days. We guided attendees through various photographic scenarios, covering grand vistas, intimate landscapes, black and white techniques, wildflowers, and even some wildlife photography.

Post-conference, despite less-than-ideal weather conditions with hot, cloudless days, we chose to unwind through hiking, savoring craft beers from our friend Eric Bennett, and paddleboarding. Exploring the crystal-clear lakes was a true delight.

As we wrap up, I'm turning my attention to preparing for upcoming backpacking trips, focusing on lightening my load. If only ultralight cameras and lenses were a reality!

Until our paths cross again, may your photographic journeys be filled with inspiration and breathtaking moments!

David and Jennifer

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Exploring Exposure

Unleash your photographic vision. See creatively, capture fresh perspectives, and develop a distinctive style in landscape imagery.

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